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Department Of Health

The Healthy Acai Berry and Weight Loss

If you have done any research on weight loss, anti-aging or disease prevention in the last five years, you may have seen advertisements that boast about the miraculous acai berry and how it can assist your body with all of these things. The publicity on this little berry has skyrocketed in the past five years.
However, the acai berry is not new. It is an actual berry fruit that grows on the acai palm in the rainforests of Brazil. The natives of the area have had this nutritious berry as a staple of their diet for centuries. It is new to the rest of the world however, because this little berry is extremely perishable and it has only been in the past five years and because of advanced processing methods that it has been available at all.
The acai berry is one of the most nutritious foods ever grown on the planet. It has an abundance of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, fiber and phytosterols. All of these things contribute to helping your own body function at optimal levels. All of these things can help you to lose weight.
Combined with exercise and a nutritious diet, the components of the acai can assist with weight loss. The fiber contained in the acai promotes a healthy digestive system. A high fiber diet also helps you to stay fuller longer and that helps you to be able to control your appetite.
This little berry is a rich source of Omega fatty acids. These are essential fatty acids that cannot be produced by the body and can only be obtained by the food that we eat. Omega fatty acids are crucial to many of our bodily functions and research is ongoing on the benefits these essential fatty acids provide including helping with weight loss.
The acai also contains 19 amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which your body needs in order to build muscle. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and it is crucial to having a high-functioning metabolism. Having more muscle on your body makes you automatically burn more calories just from everyday living without any additional exercise.
The berry has a wealth of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The antioxidants help your body to fend off the damage caused by free radicals and the vitamins and minerals help you to have the energy and stamina that you need in order to diet and exercise and lose the weight.
The acai berry and its related products can be an extremely healthy supplement to a healthy lifestyle. With the optimum nutrition from this little berry you can lose weight, fend off the typical declines associated with aging and maintain your optimum health.

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