Evolution Grooves

Amazing Things Are Happening Here

Month: March 2020


Service Dog to Treat Autism

The proper Autism Treatment is not known to us, but you can get an example which can relax you after you send your autistic kid to the general and normal school – just like million other kids.

Well… it is the permission to allow the service dog to remain with …


Nutrition Tips to Prevent Acne – Avoid Processed Foods and Take Zinc Supplements to Fight Acne

In the fight against acne, I have my two tips and these tips involve one’s nutrition. Diet is very important in preventing acne breakouts. Hence, here are two nutrition tips to help you get rid of acne and improve your skin.
Right Nutrition – Avoid Processed Foods
The right nutrition …

Health Tips

Two Toxic Food Ingredients That Damage the Brain

Does the food that you eat affect your brain? You bet it does! The brain is the most sensitive organ in the body and it responds immediately to any insults. Unfortunately, the insults I am referring to are not just verbal. Insults can range from not getting enough sleep at …


Luxurious Skin & Hair Care From the Amazing Moringa Plant

Moringa (“Maroom” in Thai language) is often called the “Miracle Tree of Life” because of its wealth of nutrients and health-based ingredients-more than any known plant or berry. The leaves, flowers and pods of the tree contain more vitamin C, vitamin A and potassium than some fruits and vegetables. Moringa …


Enjoyment of Eating – Enjoyment of Health

Enjoyment of food is just as important as eating healthy food. That may surprise you, coming from a nutritionist who preaches prevention. I try to convince everyone who will listen, that a healthy diet is necessary for a good quality of life because good health is important for a good …

Healthy Nutrition

Some Tips on How to Achieve Better Health Without Spending Money

So you decided to make some changes for a healthier lifestyle? That’s great! But I bet now your thinking, HOW? Well at the beginning of 2010 I was in the exact same place as you are now. I wanted to make a difference to my health but thought that it …

Health Tips

Ceramic Hair Straighteners – How is it Effective?

The things that you can do with a hair straightener, the lengths you can go with a ceramic hair straightener.  A few swipes of this tool and inches can be added to your hair.  It is amazing the kinks a person will have in their tresses, even if they are …