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How Does A Parent Raise A Confident Daughter?

We live in a challenging world. Kids these days, as we might not know it, go through a lot of challenges, and even so, have further more challenges to face and are facing than we adults have ever had. Teenagers these days suffer from peer pressure as well as social media bullying, which can greatly affect how they see themselves and how they build up their self esteems and confidence. Only one single negative comment about your daughter can already greatly affect the way she looks at herself.

Be Confident Yourself When Facing Your Daughter

Basing on the way you act as a parent is an integral part of your daughter’s development emotionally. A kid is always looking up on his parents whenever he is still young. Apparently, you are who your daughter looks up to, so it is important that you show them the correct attributes they should possess. You must always remind her that it is important to always speak up what you want to say and never let even the most controversial opinions stop her from talking.

It might be allowed and understandable to take some pills to change up your weight or take pride of how you look, but too much of that might not give good hints to your daughter about accepting her body.

Young ladies are the easiest to influence. While social media is trying to influence your young girls to solely base their worth on their looks and their appearances, it is for you to remind them that their beauty does not only have to be about what the eyes can, but also about what the heart can feel. You should always tell her of how great and wonderful she is when she’s showing you her talents and skills and always commend every brilliant acts she has done. Celebrities can be followed by your little girls, but only if they teach young fans to act in a good and respectable way.

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Give Her Smart Choices

Many teenagers would want to be popular since that is what they usually see in social media. They see a lot of rich and famous stars getting all the money while just being plain pretty and doing nothing else. If you have a young girl who loves to perform, encourage her to develop her talents, but also let her keep in mind that her education is much more important. Children should learn that a fifteen-minute fame in a talent show is nothing compared to a good education and a successful career in the future. You must prevent yourself from saying harsh words on your own girl. Talk to her keenly on what she wants to achieve and pursue in the future and tell her that she actually has a choice she has to make for herself.