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Is Your Home Safe Of Radon Dangers

There is every reason why you should test your home to find out if there is any radon gas. This is because the exposure of radon is among the leading causes of lung cancer especially to people who do not smoke. The risk of radon gas is not easy to minimize.

Radon despite not being visible or tangible it still causes dangers in homes. It is better to be safe than sorry by doing a radon test at home. The duration taken between doing the tests and getting the results is 48 hours and a week respectively. There are electronic testing devices that can be used to do the radon testing which is a faster way. The methods are unnecessarily expensive yet the 48 hour canisters deliver the same results. Cannister test kits for radon are more advisable to use due to their simplicity and the fact that they can be used over a longer duration of time. Cannister test kits are most stores or shops.

Upon testing and discovering that your home has some radon level percentages, probably you want to take action and ensure that remediation of radon is done in your home. Radon remediation is an involving task but it is done at home and its effectiveness is guaranteed It will give your family the radiation fortification needed.

There are several ways to do remediation radons. The square footage of your home, home design, crawl space, sump pit and drain tile also determine the radon shielding.

The myth that a new home and hence no radon is far-fetching. The fact is that it is not true and new homes just like older homes can all have a radon problem and much of it is attributed to the how tight the house is built.

That since your neighbors do not have radon levels so your house is unlikely to get. You could be thinking your house is safe of radon if your neighbor did a testing and found radon in theirs so yours is radon free.

The myth that radon is not dangerous due to the duration of time in that house is false. Radon causes lung cancer in non-smokers and it now affecting.

Before doing radon testing there are several factors that a home owner should consider to ensure that radon levels are reduced.

Some factors need to be taken care of before doing radon testing. Making sure that these factors are taken care of the radon levels are seen to decrease to below 4pC/Li. Upon completion of the radon testing the gases will become lower to the tune of 0.5kg/hours. Radon testing helps to lower the levels to 0.5 kgs/hour and as low as below 4pC/Li. This precaution ensures that you are in a safety zone and there may not be need to install an active system for radon testing.

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