Some Benefits Of Menstrual Cups
Like it or not, it is sometimes inconvenient to be a woman. Every single month, women in different parts of the world are dealing with menstruation and given that this is a universal experience, the options are still limited. It is quite surprising that among the most flexible and healthiest forms of sanitary protection is additionally one of the least common.
The truth is, there are various benefits of menstrual cups as alternative to tampons. Following are only some of what you can reap from such if you don’t believe it.
Number 1. Health – there are countless of women who are wary of utilizing tampons with justification and according to health experts, tampons as well as pads have toxic ingredients. On the other hand, menstrual cups are inserted in the vagina like a tampon but it doesn’t carry the same risks. There are different manufacturers of such and thus, the materials used to making one vary. Even so, they share the common denominator and it is the fact that menstrual cups are actually medical grade silicon and non toxic which makes them a healthy alternative. This is without a doubt one of the many benefits of menstrual cups that you will be fond of.
Number 2. Sustainability – one great thing for using menstrual cups is that, they’re eco-friendly and reusable. You simply need to empty the cup, clean it, reinsert it and you’re done. Believe it or not, one cup could last for years which means, you can get to save buying thousands of pads as well as tampons annually.
Number 3. Cost – it has been estimated that an average woman is spending roughly 1773 dollars on tampons throughout her lifetime, which is quite a large expense. This is yet another known benefits of menstrual cups because such only cost around 30 dollars and most brands can last up to 10 years. And to see that in better perspective, it is less than what many of us spend monthy. Some brands suggest to replace the cups on a regular basis so make sure to check the guidelines given by the manufacturer.
Number 4. Comfort – another well loved benefits of menstrual cups is the fact that it can provide the same level of comfort like tampons. They are worn inside the vagina and should not be felt at all when correctly positioned.
Rather than absorbing menstrual flow like what tampons as well as pads are designed to do, these menstrual cups are made to catch it. However, using tampons and pads can be ideal on lighter days.
There are many other benefits of menstrual cups but if this fail to convince you make a switch, nothing would.
Reference: their explanation