Evolution Grooves

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Health Gov

Negative Eating Habits – Why Do We Often Do Things That We Should and Not What We Love?

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day that has been overweight for most of her life. She has never been one for “dieting” so doesn’t watch what she eats. However she was told that if she wants to lose weight she must exercise. So that is …

Good Health

How to Build Healthy Eating Habits in Your Children

Have you ever wished that you had a magic wand that you could wave that would make your kids eat better? Grade-schoolers fall in a wide spectrum when it comes to healthy eating and their food choices. Some may still be picky eaters while others have learned to eat anything …

Whole Food Vitamins

Avoid Eating While Driving

Eating is a dangerous distraction while you’re driving. Many people eat while rushing to or from their offices. If you are eating in your vehicle while driving, you are focusing on your food and not on your driving. This may affect your health and life badly.
Now a day, our …

Health Store

Eating Right The Sensible Way

“You are what you eat.” Who hasn’t heard this phrase a time or two? But what does it really mean? In just the last few decades, mankind has learned a lot about how foods affect our health and everyday quality of life. We have learned that alterations that we typically …


Enjoyment of Eating – Enjoyment of Health

Enjoyment of food is just as important as eating healthy food. That may surprise you, coming from a nutritionist who preaches prevention. I try to convince everyone who will listen, that a healthy diet is necessary for a good quality of life because good health is important for a good …

Health Facts

Slimmer Summer Eating

Instead of heading to a Smoothie Shop for a refreshing smoothie, opt to make your own! A large smoothie can contain sugar based juices and provide a whooping 1000 plus calories. Blend ice, with your favorite frozen fruit, such as bananas or berries and your choice of whey protein, …

Good Health

Healthier Eating

In relation to the detoxing of the body, there are a number of different detoxing applications out there at present. Low-earnings folks in Arkansas and Kentucky, which expanded Medicaid insurance to everyone beneath a certain earnings threshold, seem like healthier than their peers in Texas, which did not broaden. Their …