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Health Department

Healing Foods – You Are What You Eat

Healing foods are here – they always have been – and it is very true that you are what you eat. Today we have a better understanding of what is in our food and what is needed for optimum nutrition.
The human body is a truly remarkable feat of engineering. The body cells are constantly dying and being replaced. The surface layer of the skin is recycled every 2 weeks. The stomach lining is replaced every 3-5 days. The entire liver is replaced every 400 days. The bones are constantly being rebuilt and the entire skeleton is replaced every 10 years.
With poor diet your health suffers in several ways. Chronic inflammation plays a major part in disease and physical aging. Glycation occurs when you eat too many carbs or meat cooked at high temperatures. Oxidation caused by free radicals hastens old age and chronic disease. Your body needs a full range of nutrients to stay healthy. By eating foods laden with preservatives and pesticides you are overloading your body with toxins which play havoc with your health.
Did you know that apples contain quercertin and that this is an amazing heart protector. Granny always said an apple a day will keep the doctor away. She was so right. Lycopene in tomatoes and apricots has the dramatic ability to reduce the risk of cancer. Asparagus has high levels of folate, a B vitamin that is essential for cell regeneration. It also contains vitamin E which is important for heart health.
By taking a careful look at your diet and making some changes you can eat your way to good health. Eating is one of life’s great pleasures so you want to stay healthy and happy to enjoy it.

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