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Good Fish Oils For Good Health

Good Fish Oils

Most people know that consuming good fish oils rich with omega 3 fatty acids can enhance both physical and mental health. Studies have shown that health benefits of a fish oil is almost endless as both a preventive and a treatment for a variety of conditions.

What Can Those Good Fish Oils Do For You?

For those of you who might not have heard about what the fatty acids can do for you, here are a few of the benefits of those omega 3s.

Improves the condition of hair and skin

Strengthens the immune system

Lowers triglyceride levels

Lowers blood pressure

Helps treat and perhaps treat heart disease

May help in the prevention of diabetes

Contributes to joint health and reduces the inflammation of arthritis

Slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Reduces stress and anxiety

Can help reduce symptoms of various mental illnesses

While the list of benefits can go on and on this shortened list should at least give you some idea of just how healthy those omega 3 supplements are for your health. However, knowing what a fish supplement can do for you and knowing what to look for in fish oil is not the same thing. Here is how to get those oils and those omega 3 fatty acids.

Eating Fish Vs. Taking Supplements

The health benefits you receive from fish oils are linked to the omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3’s are essential to good health and keeping your body performing as it should. However, the omega 3 that are most necessary for good health are only found in certain varieties of sea food with the largest amounts in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, Hoki, sardines, and other such fish. Unfortunately, consumers don’t eat as much of this kind of fish as they need to get those omega 3 fatty acids because many of these fish contain high levels of heavy metals, toxins and other pollutants due to the contamination of our oceans. This makes, eating these fish risky for your overall health.

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For that reason medical professionals are suggesting that rather than risk eating the contaminated flesh of these fish, people get their omega 3 fatty acids through fish supplements. However, you need to choose a supplement that contains good oils. Here is how to find such supplements.

Look for supplements that state the species of fish the supplement is made from. Make sure the oil is made from those species of fish known to have levels of fatty acid.

Look for those oils from fish that are caught in waters with the least pollution. Choosing a supplement which gets their oil from fish caught in the Southern ocean off the coast of New Zealand ensures that the fish are almost free of dangerous pollutants.

Make sure the oil rendered from the fish has been purified and the company is willing to show you the results of the laboratory tests from their current batch of oil. These lab results will allow you to be sure that the supplement you are taking is safe as well as effective.

Avoid those oils with synthetic additives or coloring and those which use fillers. Fillers reduce the amount of omega 3 fatty acids you will be getting per dose.

Choosing a good fish supplement made with good fish oils can help you live and feel healthier than you may have though possible.