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Want to Maximize Your Athletic Performance? Here’s How

When it comes to improving your athletic performance, there are no specific activities or workouts that apply to all people because there are certain factors that affect how each person will respond to various tactics and workouts. Even so, there are basic rules that you can follow in order for you to be able to maximize your athletic performance. They will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Make sure to regularly take the right amount of fluids
In order for you not to get over hydrated or dehydrated, it is recommended that you make sure that you take in fluids between 550 and 800 ml every hour. Despite the fact that overhydration seems like a good thing, it is still not recommended because your sodium levels could go down, also called hyponatremia, that will only lead you to have coma or death.

However, if you live in a place that has a cool weather, you can partake of the hourly recommended fluid intake by half. If you seem to be large as an athlete and you will be exercising during hot and humid weather, then it is best that you maximize your hourly fluid intake to 900 ml. Do not consume more than a liter or a close one that is because your performance may be negatively affected and you could be experiencing different kinds of health problems.

Make sure that your hourly calorie intake is just 300 cals/hr
If you want to maximize your athletic performance, it is a must that you religiously follow the above recommended hourly calorie intake. For this goal to come true, you must make sure to replenish your body. Since you are an athlete, the hourly calorie intake that is recommended for you ranges from 240 to 400 calories per hour. If you are little, on the other hand, having an hourly calorie intake of 180 to 200 calories per hour is just enough for you. If you are a larger athlete, however, it is best that you consume a little more than 300 calories per hour. In order for your performance and diet not to be ruined, it is a must that you religiously follow your recommended intake and not try to compensate the calories that you have lost by consuming them.

Ensure to consume complex carbohydrates
As an athlete, you must never include in your diet simple sugars such as dextrose, sucrose, fructose, and glucose. These will never help in fueling your body and they have also been shown to negatively impact your performance when consumed in large amounts. Even if they are capable of peaking your energy levels, you could end up having your energy levels crashed. These are some of the reasons why you must consume complex carbohydrates instead as they will not lead you to have energy crashes.

More ideas: http://www.naturalphysiques.com/