The Evolution of Music Distribution Evolution of the music industry has ensured better quality music which has also efficiently reached the final consumer at a very cheap and convenient way. Individuals who have been lovers over the years know one had to travel long distances to search for tapes. The only way to reach music was either through the transistor radio or travelling all the way to the music store so as to buy music. Due to the fact that music only came in tapes, one had to make sure that he or she stores the tapes in question in an appropriate manner. One had to make sure that he or she takes time to listen to a song he or she does not like as he or she waits for a song she or he likes. One had to ensure that he or she bought a tape recorder which he or she had to use the tape on. One would only buy the whole album as opposed to buying only one song. The music technology improved to compact discs with a bigger capacity as compared to tapes. With the invention of the compact disc, one could skip to his or her favorite tune, load his or her favorite music and did not have to turn the disc like the former tape technology. One only had to locate a shop that deals with the CDs and buy his or her favorite. The flash disk technology took over with an even bigger capacity. However, the inventors felt that the music world is dynamic with new and good music being released into the market every time. With entry of music streaming, one does not need to have any music or any space in his or her phone for him or her to access his or her favorite music. One would only need to download an app and subscribe and there he or she goes. Music lovers can finally access music in a more friendly manner. One would only need to search for a digital music source that keeps him or her going with the most recent music. With each person having his or her own music preferences, it is essential for one to note that having a music source with the latest varieties is essential. In selecting a source of music in the today’s world, one would only need to download an application on his or her phone and then search for his or her favorite music. As a result, one would need to make sure that he or she gets an app that gives him or her the freedom to stream music he or she loves. As a result, one would need to note that today’s music technology has allowed the listeners a lot of liberty, variety and efficiency.Finding Parallels Between Entertainment and Life