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Factors To Consider When Selecting A Menstrual Cup.

Ovulation occurs after 28 days in women. This period is characterized by the flow of blood and menstrual pain. These days are predictable, and this allows a woman to prepare herself adequately for the days. These preparations allow the woman to be as comfortable as possible when these days come. There are reusable gadgets that are used by some women to prevent staining during this event. These are the menstrual cups. The cups usually come in two various sizes.

There are certain guidelines to assist women how to choose the best size and shape that will fit them well. Majority of these menstrual cups come in two different main sizes, small and large. They can also be referred to as size one and size two. Predicting the best size for a woman can be done in several ways. The amount of flow expected may be used as a factor to decide on the size of the menstrual cup. Others strongly use the recommendation of whether or not someone has had a vaginal birth. The information of the cervix’s position is another advanced way that would help in selecting the size of the cup. Information like these are used in the selection of the cup. Conversely, reading more on these products can help.

Firmness is yet another variable to be considered. Elasticity and strength of the vaginal walls play a part in the determination of the level of firmness. Muscular vaginal walls require cups with high levels of firmness for proper functioning. In addition to firmness, a menstrual cup should be easy to insert and remove. The purpose of these cups is to allow a woman to feel comfortable during this period. These gadgets are there to make the women comfortable when they are in public but not to feel any pain.

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Another required property of these cups is the ease of the cleaning process. Cleaning is however easy in most of them. The recommended wash only requires water and unscented soap. Body wash is another possible ingredient in cleaning the menstrual cups. A more clinical approach involves boiling these cups in water prior to thorough cleaning with body wash or unscented soap. Menstrual cups are beneficial in the conservation of the environment. They are bought once in a while hence a lot of money is saved. Hence, it takes less effort in the caring of the menstrual cups.

In addition to the personal benefits associated with the use of menstrual cups other advantages are also there. By the use of these cups, the general hygiene of a woman is highly preserved. As said before, the environment as a whole is conserved. More women are advised to consider using the menstrual cups.