Evolution Grooves

Amazing Things Are Happening Here

Month: July 2020

Health Products

The Art of Sports Nutrition Part 2

When we think of sports nutrition, we are often greeted by thoughts of the nutritional requirements for athletes and sports men and women. But is the nutrition that is required for a sports player that far amiss from that required for the normal individual? I would say yes, and no. …

General Article

Three FUN Fundraising Ideas

In the non-profit world, fundraising is essential. It’s also very challenging. In many communities, dozens of worthwhile organizations compete for dollars from a handful of philanthropists and business leaders. They’re all being invited to the same black-tie gala dinners, and they’re probably tired of them. Here are a few ideas …

Health Articles

Create Your Own Health Insurance System

The U.S. spends $2.5 trillion a year on healthcare costs. We have very quickly become numb to the incomprehensibility of a trillion dollars. That’s $2,500,000,000,000. That’s 2,500 billion dollars. That’s 16% of the gross national product. It’s twice as much as the average amount other countries spend, but are we …

Men'S Health

Healthcare Reform With a Twist

So many clinics and services are available to us today, but whether it is alternative or conventional it is all so high priced that only those that are fortunate enough to have the money in their pockets to cover the cost are privy to the care and knowledge of these …

Health News

Natural Hair Care Homemade Recipes – Stop Hair Loss, Increase Body and Shine

If you have priced the cost of high quality hair products then you know there are hundreds of dollars to be saved by Natural Hair Care Homemade Recipes. Its not just for the hardcore do it yourself folks. Many of the recipes are age old and still used today, even …