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Concrete Counter tops and Concrete Decorations

If you take a look back in history, concrete has been used for decorative purposes. Concrete continues to be used in and out the house with counter tops topping the list of decorative counter tops use. The thing with concrete is that it has an aspect of versatility making it very easy to work with and for various purposes. Those in the construction industry will agree that many people who are constructing their homes or those that are making some renovations wish to give their homes some uniqueness, the counter tops is a utility that can be used to effect this kind of uniqueness. Concrete makes one play around with color, settle for a texture that you want, mold your counter top into a shape that you want. Since concrete bends to the will of the hand or the molder the contractor is able to show their skill or what sets them aside from other contractors through giving a custom touch. Concrete counter tops require a lot of time and concentration to deliver something that the client will appreciate, a counter top with a lot of detail will take up to two weeks to fully complete. Concrete counter tops start with having a design moving on to form work all the way to application of a coat sealer. Switching from a laminate counter top to a concrete does not have to mean the tearing down of the laminate, Contractors have come up with a better solution where the laminate surface is prepared for a cement polymer to be applied and one ends up with a concrete looking counter top and on top that its way cheaper and it’s easier to make hence less labor intensive.

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Acid stains, the application of overlays, eye catching patterns, the use of iron oxide colorants etc. makes up decorative concrete. To achieve colors with the use of acid stains, the acid reacts with minerals in the concrete. Addition of color into concrete should take place before consolidation or after blending in the color hardener. Before surfaces of countertops dry off, they can have some decorators embedded and these could be coins, sea shells or colored brass, having a combination of decorators also brings a unique touch.

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