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IBS Treatments.

IBS means irritable bowel disease. It is a condition accompanied by a group of symptoms. IBS manifests itself as abdominal pain and also the changes of the bowel movement. It is not easy to understand what causes the changes in the movement of the bowel. This condition is characterized by several symptoms. Passing out of mucus from the bottom, flatulence, bloating and swelling of the stomach are some of these symptoms. Patients with IBS experience frequent urge to go to the toilet. There is also the feeling that you have not fully used the toilet. The additional symptoms include lethargy, headache, and pain during sex.

Immediately you start experiencing the above symptoms, it is important to see the general practitioner. The cause of the symptoms can, therefore, be established. There are ways to treat this condition. The lifestyle changes are used to complement the control of the symptoms using the medicines. Savere pain, diarrhea, and constipation are the basis for prescribing the medicines used to treat IBS. Various types of medicines are there to treat IBS. The medicines are prescribed based on the most troublesome symptom. Most of the medicines have proven to be helpful.

Since there are some major symptoms that are associated with IBS, the medications used to treat IBS are also categorized based on the major symptoms of IBS. The following are the medicines used in the treatment of IBS. First and foremost, there are the diarrhea medicines. They are used in the treatment of excessive diarrhea. Severe diarrhea means that it does not improve with the home treatments. The antidiarrheal drugs and the bile acid agents fall under this category. Secondly, there are the constipation medicines. These medications are used for the treatment of severe medication. Similar to the diarrhea drugs they treat constipation that does not improve following the home treatments. Nonabsorbable sugars and osmotic laxatives are part of the constipation medicines.

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The above two categories are the most common type of medications used in the treatment of IBS. This is mainly because diarrhea and constipation are the major symptoms of IBS. However, there are also some other medicines used to treat IBS. The pain and cramp medicines are the other categories. Patient with long-term pain and cramping can use these drugs. If the major IBS symptom you are experiencing is long-term pain and cramping as the most troublesome symptom, this is the medicine for you. In this category, there are several medicines. The anticholinergic and the antidepressant makes it to this category.

Lastly, there are the depression medicines. Anxiety and depression is experienced by a number of IBS patients. This category has several groups of drugs too. These include the antidepressants and the antianxiety agents. Under each group, there are the specific type of medicines that are used.

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