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Orthodontic Approaches in Dentistry

Orthodontics deals with realigning misshapen and crooked teeth. It is hard to keep the teeth clean when they are misaligned or crooked. Dental diseases are likely to occur with teeth that are not correctly positioned. Your aesthetic value is lowered when you have crooked teeth. Orthodontist is a specialist in the field of orthodontics. Your dentist will determine whether you need orthodontics after using diagnostic tools which include full medical and dental health history. Pressure will be applied to your teeth to move them to a proper location using different orthodontic methods.

You need the orthodontist care if your teeth in the upper jaw lie too far forward or the vice versa. When your upper teeth do not fit or leave spaces when you bite a sign that you have to seek orthodontic care. You should also see the dentist when your upper and lower midlines don’t match or when you have too many teeth in your mouth.
The crooked teeth are rearranged using both the fixed and removable orthodontic approaches. The orthodontic procedure you undergo is determined by the severity of your problem.

Braces have bands, wires, and brackets and they are mostly used. While the braces run around your teeth; the brackets are placed in front. Arch wires are attached to the bands through the brackets. The teeth experience tension when the wire is tightened, and they are moved gradually to the desired position. They are usually adjusted monthly to bring about the desired effect. You can choose the braces you desire from the varieties available currently.

Thumb sucking and tongue thrusting are controlled by use of special fixed appliances. The appliances are joined to the teeth by bands. These appliances cannot let you enjoy your meals, so seek other substitutes.

Babies gaps can be kept open using fixed space maintenance when they lose a tooth before time. A band is bound to the tooth next to the gap and a wire is used to provide support to the band.

Aligners are alternatives to traditional braces for grownups, only that they do not have metal wires and brackets. Remove the aligners before eating or brushing.

We also have the removable space maintenance. The space maintenance are made up of acrylic based materials. Other appliances are also present in the market.
Get your crooked teeth corrected by going to see a professional dentist. The chances of your teeth damaging are low and you facial aesthetics is improved.

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