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Tips on Preparing For Orthopedic Procedures In most instances physicians encourage and promote non-surgical medical interventions to address any orthopedic issues but a point comes whereby our bodies are no longer able to heal from just conservative measures and surgery is the best option when this point reaches. For people that want to maintain a healthy lifestyle or just regain normal functionality and movement a surgical procedure might be the right choice. It is good to note that there are a couple of successful and routine procedures like hip replacements, ACL repairs and herniated disc surgeries which may now warrant any worry but patients still have some anxiety on the night before the surgery. Therefore if the client can get some tips on how to prepare for an orthopedic surgery then it can go a long way to aiding them to reduce and eliminate their anxiety and worry. The most successful orthopedic doctors and their teams know that the patients that get the best outcome out of their surgeries are the most prepared and knowledgeable ones and it is these clients that approach the surgery day with confidence. One vital decision when preparing for surgery is knowing what to pack and one of the important things to pack is a book or any other reading material that will keep one occupied as they wait for the procedure and after the procedure. It is good to note that the person also needs to carry the medications that they are taking and have jotted down somewhere the medications and what their dosages are.
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If the surgery requires an overnight stay then the person can also carry a small bag full of personal toiletry items and if they wear glasses or contact lenses then they should also carry them plus the case. They also need to have comfortable clothes and inquire from the surgeon if there is anything else that they need to pack. There are some things that one needs to leave at home like: expensive jewelry, large amounts of money, large suitcases and any electronic equipment.
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There are some steps that the person needs to take beforehand such as organizing for a trusted person to be their support person and their driver back home and get lose fitting clothes that they can wear at home and that can easily fit over the operation site and above any dressings. It is critical that the person also to talks to their surgeon to discuss any special decisions that have to be made about the procedure such as the kind of anesthesia that will be used or the kind of ligament and bone replacement material.