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Effective Tips to Burn Off Stubborn Fat

Several women say that within six months, they gained back all weight they’ve managed to lose. Others say they have dieted so many times they couldn’t even remember anymore.

Well, the yo-yoing can stop and you can get more info here. Just check out this article to know how science has finally produced simple, innovative solutions for enduring weight loss, such as the following:

Fat Burning Fat

Fats are not all the same. There’s white fat -the bad fat – that you want to eliminate from your body. Brown fat – the healthy fat – actually burns down calories. This good fat is powerful as it’s full of mitochondria, the parts of cells that produce heat. With the help of exercise, even a mere two ounces of brown fat can defuse a maximum of 20 percent of your body’s intake of calories. Without a doubt, you can read much more about it here.

Vitamin D Supplementation

A study at the University of Minnesota revealed that people who went on a weight-loss program with greater vitamin D levels in their diet shed more weight in comparison with those who didn’t get as much of the nutrient. In other studies, vitamin D appears to enhance the effectiveness of leptin, the hormone that tells your brain that you’re full. Experts now recommend supplementation of vitamin D at 1,000 international units everyday.

Back to Nature

In a North Carolina study, it was found that counties with more natural amenities, such as lakes and mountains, had less obesity problems. For example, it was observed that people stride faster, feel less exhausted and are generally happier walking outdoors instead of using the treadmill.

Cellular Pudge-Proofing

Sitting around gives you flabs. Nothing surprising exactly, but the culprit is not merely a lack of exercise. The very act of sitting or lying down applies pressure on our cells to the effect that they stretch out and eventually build flab. You should take action. Even small bursts of exercise – for example, 5-minute walks every hour – can help a lot in preventing the formation of flab. Certainly, the more flab you have, the longer it will take for you to notice the results, but that time will come for sure, as long as you are consistent. Good thing you decided to visit this page so you can learn more about losing fat.

The Power of Green Tea

Check out these helpful tips – this drink is like a diet drug, except the negative side effects aren’t there. Weight loss from green tea is attributed to EGCG, a compound that limits fat absorption. Besides that, green tea also actually raises the amount of fat that your body gets rid of.

Beating Your “Weight”

Around 75% of Americans have a “fat gene” which is mostly associated with a 20-30 percent higher obesity risk. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean you’re destined to be heavy from the beginning. Based on recent research, exercise rules over genes. That means controlling your weight is always possible, except when you have an underlying condition that makes it so much harder for you. Go for five hours per week as experts recommend and you’ll lose weight even faster.