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6 Facts About Vitamins Everyone Thinks Are True

The Controversy That Surrounds B17 And Its Ability To Cure Cancer

Laetrile compound also known as the vitamin B17 is a product that has derived from amygdalin product. Amygdalin is a product that can be obtained from pitch pits, apricots, and bitter almonds. The product is used as an alternative to cancer therapy though there is a lot of controversies that surround this matter. Though studies have been done, none of them has been convincing on whether the product can cure cancer or not. It is for this reason that the FDA has sanction against the sale in the country.

There is a group of scientist argues that it can be used to fight the cancerous cell in the body. It is believed that when one does not have B12 in the body, then the cancerous cells start developing. Thus, if this is the case, the consumption of the vitamin will not only help in curing cancer, but it will also assist in preventing it from taking place. However, the pills that are made with this element is said to have some toxic elements, and it is not safe for human consumption.

Despite the fact that some scientist have concluded that the vitamin is important and plays a significant role in the treatment of cancer, the Cancer society does not agree. There are those who say that this product is not only unsuitable for cancer, it is not even a vitamin as it is not a requirement of having a healthy body. Other than the fact that the product is not a vitamin, there is still no solid proof that can be used to show that the product is used in curing cancer.
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This is not a new debate, the issue has been going on for a while. Scientist have sent numerous of application to the FDA so that they can have the product approved only to fall on deaf ears. The FDA claims that the product needs to be tested on animal first, before testing it on people. There are some people who claim that the reason that the FDA has not approved this medicine despite the many years of request is the money that the company makes when selling the conventional medications.
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You will find that according to the FDA the product has a lot of side effects. The FDA has stated that there are some individuals who have passed on due to using this product. The reason that there is no conclusion on this matter is that there is a high rate of debate on this product by the two people involved. If you are stuffing from cancer you need to learn as much as this product before using it.